Sunday 22 April 2018

Slow and Steady: Caring for Your Pet After Surgery

post surgery pet careSome pet owners are given ample time to prepare for their pet’s upcoming surgery, as in the case of a scheduled spay or neuter procedure. Pet owners coping with an emergency illness or injury don’t have time to consider all the in’s and out’s of prepping. However, what is possibly more important is taking care of a pet after surgery. Post-operative care can be a cause for concern, but with the right information your pet can get through it with flying colors.

Straightforward and Simple

Recovering from a routine surgery can be quite simple, but it’s not always without certain challenges. The day of and after surgery, pets are typically groggy, tired, and nauseous. Special handling and consideration are absolutely required for these two days.

Once the effects of the anesthesia fully wear off, you’ll see less sleepiness and more control of motor functions and balance. However, your pet must be discouraged from running, jumping, and roughhousing. A cone, or Elizabethan collar, may be necessary for up to two weeks, to keep them from licking or biting at their sutures.

Post-Op Tactics

You will be sent home with specific instructions about caring for your pet after surgery, but the following general guidelines apply:

  • Anesthesia will inhibit their ability to regulate body temperature. Keeping your pet warm after surgery is important, but they shouldn’t be allowed to overheat.
  • Because of their semi-wobbly state, you may decide to keep them as comfortable as possible on the floor. Set up a nice bed with cushions, blankets, and pillows. Clear away any potential obstacles, in case they need to get up or go outside to eliminate.
  • Due to the intravenous fluids they received during the procedure, your pet will need regular bathroom breaks. Depending on their needs or abilities, they may need to be carried outside or walked on leash, even if it’s a fenced-in yard. Your pet probably won’t feel thirsty, but they should have access to clean, fresh water (and constant reminders to drink). Be prepared to deal with accidents.
  • For at least the first full day afterwards, limit food portions to minimize tummy troubles or vomiting.
  • Keep a close eye on the wound, dressing it as necessary. Typically, sutures simply need to just stay dry in order to heal faster. If you are given any medications, use as directed.
  • Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding drainage, discharge, or bleeding.
  • Take your pet on short walks 1-2 times a day, but watch for any signs of exhaustion or overexertion.
  • Try to keep them isolated from kids and other pets for a few days, if possible.

Normal Pet After Surgery

It’s common to see pets bounce back from surgery within a few days, and be back to their normal selves in short order. If you have any concerns about your pet’s behavior or recovery time, we are always here to help you. Hopefully, with a few great snuggle sessions, some great food, and fresh air, your pet will be back in action in no time at all.

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